This is right before I fell asleep on the "L." I've learned that naps are very important on football days. I've got to stay up when we get home to see how Michigan scored so many points. I love that both my teams keep winning!
This one's a keeper. Go - U - North - west - ern...
There's just something about stadium food. I can't put my finger on it, but the simplest item just tastes better when you're at a game.
So much happier now!
The fans really like to holler! Wow! I didn't like that very much, but Mom and Dad sacrificed their nice seats to take me to a less crowded area. Then I was able to get a little nap in.
Checking the scores. Dad doesn't want to know the score of the Michigan game, so I'll be good and keep it quiet for him.
What are those silly cheerleaders doing? Bring the band back out!
My first Northwestern football game!!!!!!! Thanks for the tix, Dave and Mere!
Are we done with this yet?
Are you getting this hair? It's out of control!
Still, I'd rather chew on my links.
I'm starting to like my food a little better. My tongue is not the problem anymore. Now, I like to keep my mouth closed so that Mom and Dad will have to make goofy faces and noises to get me to smile and open up. Ha!
Why doesn't this stuff stay in my mouth?
I can grab my feet on the changing table, too!
Once I'm out, I'm out!
I'm getting really big, but I still enjoy my snuggle time with Mom. This is part of our routine when Mom gets home from work.
Ouch! Sometimes when my feet wiggle free, I whack myself in the face.
I'm really good at getting the right one, but the left is a little harder.
I have figured out that my hands are something I can control if I concentrate a little, so I've started to practice using them a lot. Most of the time I just pull stuff toward my mouth, but I've learned that it's fun to make noises with them, too.
I'm growing some super fuzzy hair. Every time I see her, Grandma tells me that I've changed a lot.
I'm starting to get more and more interested in what's going on around me. I especially like to practice sitting up. Mom doesn't need to help me as much anymore.
At my 6-month check-up I weighed in at 14 lbs, 4 oz, and I measured 24.5 inches long. That's on the low side for my actual age, but right around the 50th percentile for my adjusted age (a little over 4 months). I'm going to keep working on rice cereal, but for now my tongue has a mind of it's own and pushes everything right back out.
This is me with Christie and my buddy, Jamison. The three of us play together most days at Jamison's house. Jamison just turned one, and her mommy is a teacher just like my mommy!
Jamison and I are going to work on posing together for pictures in the future. Here we are tired at the end of the day.