Well, fans, I'm reading up on Michigan because Mom and I are about to go there for two whole weeks. We are driving up tomorrow with Aunt Julie and Miller. We are going to spend lots of time with Aunt Kate, Uncle Karl and Kitty because we barely ever get to see them. Then Daddy and Brody will come when it's Christmas time. I am going to see so many relatives and have so much fun! I told Mom that she has to take lots of pictures, but I probably won't be able to create a new post until after the new year. Thanks for checking out my blog all year. Happy holidays and safe travels!

Awww! I'm really going to miss you, pal. You keep Daddy safe and come to T.C. soon.

They are fun to taste too, but Mom doesn't like that very much.

Brody's ears are the best thing ever! They're floppy and soft, and very easy to grab onto.

I love you too, Brody.

... but I only last a couple seconds on my knees. I'm going to work on my core muscles and have Miller teach me how to crawl when we go to Michigan.

I'm getting super strong with my arms...

I want to get a taste of this shiny metal thing first.

Ha! Mom found me. But I'm not ready to come out just yet, ok?

Ooooh! This is not a strange corner. This is a fun corner!

Since I can push myself backward, but can't crawl forward, I keep finding myself in strange corners. And yes, this hair is for real.