I guess that Mom and Dad have backed off on the picture taking. They used to have that camera out all the time, but we've had a pretty busy month. Mom says that maybe we'll just stick to the monthly updates, which I know will disappoint my fans. I'll see if I can be extra photogenic and convince her to snap away. Anyway, we only have a few pictures to share, so I'll just tell you all what's been going on. I've become quite a stinker. I think it's really funny to ignore directions and run away. I like to withhold hugs and kisses so Mommy and Daddy have to beg. They act pretty pathetic sometimes. One of my favorite things is to make a mess out of whatever is available and point it out to Mom and Dad, "Mess, mess, mess!" I repeat parts of everything I hear. I LOVE singing parts of "Twinkle Twinkle" so that everyone will sing it back to me. I'm still a big climber, and I shoot down the slides without hesitation. Unfortunately, this has been the month of illnesses for me. I had a bad cold earlier in September. Then I got pink eye, yuck! This week I spent a night in the hospital. I had a very high fever that Mom and Dad knew couldn't just be attributed to my new molars coming in. I was in the ER for 6 hours but they couldn't find the source of the infection, so they admitted me and then the docs discovered my ear infection. Boooo! I guess it was hard to see, but that 105 degree fever was no fun and they poked me with a whole bunch of needles. I'm on the mend now, but we were supposed to be in Chicago this weekend for the UM vs. NU football game. Now we have to watch it on TV instead. Go Cats! (When Daddy starts doing this typing for me he can insert his own team cheers.) :-)

I love trying on all kinds of shoes.

Brody is typically a very happy boy when I start eating cereal. And it's nice for me to not have to pick up what I drop on the floor.

Grandma, can you get the playdough out for me again?

I like trying to say "cheese" for the camera. Mom says we need to work on it.

Looking at a photo album with Grandma. I love naming all the people I know.