Sunday, July 22, 2012

Recent Videos

Cutting is hard, especially when you are distinctly right-handed and stubbornly choose to attempt this task using your left hand.  No worries.  I found my own solution.

Proof that B-Man does not like tummy time.  He would rather chew on his fist or try to give himself more arm hickies.  

I can read!

Dad says that Tiger Woods was already making a name for himself at two, so I'm busy practicing.  Mom is a little concerned that my golf swing looks more like a slap shot.  She says that she is not interested in being a hockey mom.  

Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Very Busy Month

This is when Brennan just started smiling.  Now he smiles all the time - especially when his tummy is full and when I go in to get him up from his crib.  

 We had some excellent Grandma Time when Mommy had to go back to work for a couple weeks.  This was from our week with Grandma Mac...

 ... and this was from our week with Grandma C.

 My friend Cy came to visit way from Chicago.  He's younger than me so I had to make sure to watch out for him (I don't get to be the one to do that too often).

No one puckers up quite like me.   

Part of why we've been so busy is because we moved.  Again.  Not too far away, just to a new house so that Mommy won't have to drive as far to work anymore.  Then she can spend more time with us! 

I helped Daddy put together my new big girl bed for my new room.  I made the transition pretty smoothly, but the freedom to get up and play in my room has enabled me to reject nap-taking whenever I want.  Mommy and Daddy say thank goodness I sleep well and long at night.   

Brennan likes my new bed, and he thinks I'm hilarious! 

The answer is yes.  I still love chapstick.   

I like to help Brennan with his floor time.  He's still not a big fan of being on his tummy, and when he starts to fuss I like to roll him over to his back (whether or not Mom says it's ok).   

See?  Smiley-pants. 

This is what you do when it's 100 degrees and you have no modesty whatsoever.   

When we finally had a short break from the heat wave, we took Brennan on his first trip to the zoo. 

I kept asking to go see the animals, as in inside the enclosures.  They looked very friendly, especially the sleeping tiger.  I had to settle for this.  

The answer is yes.  I still love shoes. 

So Mommy had this brilliant idea to give me stickers when I go on the potty.  Sometimes I indulge her and earn one after another.  Then I'll refuse for a few days.  Diapers are just way more convenient for a girl on the go.   

Daddy got angry at all my sand while we were moving, so he threw it away.  That's ok with me.  I turned my sandbox into a swimming pool.   

Brody likes to have his tummy rubbed and Brennan likes to have his back rubbed.  I told you I've been busy! 

B is starting to learn how to use his hands.  I like to pry open his fingers and make him hold onto things.   

Being cute for the camera, or finding yet another way to delay bedtime? 

I don't think Mommy left me alone to sit in chairs by myself when I was less than 3 months old.  Either Brennan is really strong, or Mommy is getting a little too relaxed when it comes to safety.  

 We went to the park with Aunt Kate while Daddy golfed with Uncle Karl-uh.  It was HOT again, so Brennan stretched out in the shade.  

I do not like waiting for pushes.  Put the camera down, Mom! 

Grandma is out in California with my brand new cousin, Rhys.  Grandpa came to visit us quick before heading out to meet Rhys too.  Miller is very excited to have a brother just like me.  I hope I can go to California soon...