Friday, February 8, 2013

Updates (long overdue)

Greetings!  A lot has happened since my last post, and too many pictures to upload!  So I'll just stick with what's new lately.  Let's start with a little of what is going on with B-man.  So, little brother is almost 10 months old now.  He only weighs about 7 lbs less than I do, 'cuz this guy just eats and eats and eats.  Even when he makes a face because something tastes yucky, he still eats it (unless it's green beans, in which case he spits).  All of our teachers at school think he is just the sweetest thing going - which gets a little old after a while if you ask me.  I've been teaching Brennie lots of new tricks.  He can wave and clap just like me.  He crawls all over and follows me if I leave the room.  He still mostly relies on his army crawl, but he'll go a little ways up on his hands and knees too.  He can sit up on his on, and pulls to a stand the moment he grabs something.  Brennan's favorite thing, though, is to stand or walk around with our help.  He thinks he is very clever and he likes to let go of our hands or the furniture to see how long he can balance.  His record is probably about 10 seconds.  B is starting to babble almost as much as me - almost.  His favorite thing to say is "eh-duh," and although he says it about pretty much anything, I think he's actually saying my name because I'm his very favorite.  He's really a big boy, and we're very proud of him. 

Here is a little sample of B's army crawl:

So on to me.  I turn 3 next month!!!  I haven't had any accidents in weeks (knock on wood).  I love helping Mommy with Brennan and taking care of my babies too.  I have a new car seat that I'm very excited about because it means I'm a big girl.  I spend a lot of my time "cooking," doing puzzles, playing with my babies, and reading books - that is, when I'm not at school.  I've been practicing my writing and drawing a lot.  I know all of my letters and have learned how to make several of them.  I talk about my cousins a lot and wish that I could see them more.  It's been too cold to spend much time outside, but sometimes Daddy lets me help him shovel the driveway.  I'm pretty good at it if I can keep my thumbs in the thumb part of my mittens.  Right now my favorite things are sandwich hugs between Mommy and Daddy, bossing Brody around, writing, dancing with Daddy while we cook dinner, teaching Brennie how to do things, singing, telling Mommy and Daddy which kids had time-outs at school, and trying to manipulate Mommy into staying with me longer at bedtime. 

Here's a video of my latest achievement.  Enjoy!