Much better. Thanks, Dad.
Can we go in the hot tub now? Please!
I went in all the way up to my belly button.
My second time swimming was in the pool. Brrrr, it was cold!
I'm getting better at lifting my head. I've even rolled over a few times.
How are you doing that, Grandpa?!
Grandpa Tom played with me a while, even though he "doesn't do the real little ones." Don't worry, Grandpa, I'll be more interactive soon.
I got to spend some time with both of my grandmas!
Miller and I got tired at Mommy's birthday party.
I haven't seen Aunt Sue in a while, so I made sure to wear the cherry outfit she got me.
This is my big friend, Mike.
Vacation has been so busy, Grandpa and I both needed a nap.
Ok, I'm ready to get back in the shade now.
Ha! Wet sand feels funny!
The bay was certainly not as warm as my baths, but I didn't mind too much.