These bandaids on my legs should tell you that I didn't have a very good day. You guessed it! I visited the doctor again. The nurse is so nice, so I don't understand why she gave me three painful shots. But I really let her have it! Mom and the nurse should know better than to hurt me like that. I screamed as loud as I know how to warn all the other babies out there. Mission accomplished. Now that I'm home, I'll just fuss for the rest of the day to show Mom how unhappy these shots make me.
On a more positive note, the doctor is very proud of me! I am 22 inches long and weigh 11 lbs 8 oz!!! I'M HUGE! Doc said that mom should keep feeding me a lot so I can stay on the chubby side. He was impressed that I can sleep through the night, pull with my arms, control my head pretty well, and track him all the way from one side to the other. I gave him a couple smiles too (but that was before all the pain).
Time to wake up and make Mom feel guilty for taking me to get shots!
Love all the cool photos...you guys are great parents and Ella, well, you're just amazing...can't wait to spend some time with you Labor Day week-end!!! Love...Aunt Sue