Hotel beds are awesome!

Mommy and I played in the pool.

I couldn't look at Uncle Paul with that mask on his head. It was scary!

Everyone took turns holding me at the reception. Aunt Kate tried to feed me but I was too busy looking around.

Ok, enough with the pictures already!

Miller was looking super snazzy in these pants.

My fam cleans up pretty nice.

Daddy and I got dressed up for Cousin Daniel's wedding. My feet were a little too fat to fit into my dress shoes. :-(

Miller likes to lay and roll and crouch on his knees. I like to sit, sit, sit.

Miller and I in our PJs.

I don't get to see Aunt Julie, Uncle Micah and Miller very much, but when I do I have so much fun!

We went to a crazy BBQ restaurant with lots of dead animals on the walls. I showed everyone how I can sit by myself in a highchair now. They were so impressed.

Uncle Paul played with me.

It was great to see Grandpa!

And when I was awake, I was a very good girl. I talked and sang to the other passengers, but I didn't cry once!

I took a snooze on my very first airplane ride.

Seriously, Brody!? I thought we talked about this lap issue.

There's a peach in here somewhere. Why can't I get it out?

I'm such a big girl!

Bananas. My least hated solid food.

Talking to Mr. Monkey.

Watching NU football with Mom and Brody.
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