An excellent hair day. No, this is not static.

Mom and Dad got me this little table to stand at so that I would use this instead of other objects (like potted plants, where I like to eat leaves) for my standing practice. I liked it for about 10 minutes and then went straight for the ficus tree.

Yay! I DVRed Sponge Bob. Seriously, people, I did! Mom and Dad were amazed and have no idea how I did it
(and to tell you the truth, I have no idea how I did it either).

Hold on a second, Dad! I know you think you are master and commander of the remote, but there's a new chief in town.

And I love coming over to my clothes hamper to search for treasures. I have also discovered that this is a very unstable object for standing support, but that doesn't stop me from trying it frequently anyway. I make sure to scream plenty loud when I fall.

I can even pull up on Brody, as long as he doesn't move on me.

Here I'm crawling over to pull myself up on Mom (and to try to eat the camera).

Now that I can crawl, I've decided I'm too cool for crawling. Instead, I'm going to pull myself up on everything and start walking. (Bumps and bruises from frequent falls are a small price to pay.) Also, I need to be ready to walk in the March for Babies this April. I'm walking with Mom and Dad for the March of Dimes and fundraising to try and help all the other preemies out there. Thank you so much to all those who have already donated! We've exceeded our goal! Hooray!!! For anyone else interested in donating, here's a link to our fundraising page:
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