Ok, so I'm home and I've been in training. Mom and Dad think I'm ready, so they're helping me gradually become more comfortable with the idea of walking. Now I only need to hold one hand to go across the room, and Mom, Dad and I really enjoy this little catch-and-release game we've developed where I go back and forth between them taking 3-4 lunging steps. Sometimes I balance pretty well and actually try to control the steps. Today I was able to stand alone for more than 10 seconds, but Mom wasn't able to get that on film. And Christie told Mom that I took one step by myself yesterday! This video is of me standing for just a few seconds because silly Mom distracted me with the camera. But I promise, it won't be long before there is much better footage of me standing and walking.

But what's a little exhaustion, right? I'd much rather bang on the window and squeal with excitement in an effort to impress the man sleeping in the seat in front of us.

So, two reasons for this face: First, this is the end of the New York pictures. To be honest, Mom did a pretty poor job on this trip. Thankfully Aunt Julie and Aunt Kate took better shots, so hopefully I'll have those soon. Second, I was supposed to sleep the whole way home, but I didn't even make it half-way. Between the busy days and late(r) nights I'm just plain exhausted.

I told you I missed Miller. When we were reunited I made sure to give him a big hug. He was surprised because I beat him to it.

Uncle Karl thought Miller and I might like to help pay for the bill.

Miller and I didn't get to sit together this time. I missed him and I think he missed me, too.

Another grown-up dinner? Boring! Where's the kids' table?

Mommy was super excited to see her friend, Emily. That meant that I got to meet Nora!

Chilling with Aunt Kate.

Aunt Kate and I had fun in the grass at Central Park. Aunt Julie set up a whole playdate with a bunch of kids like me, but other than for stealing a little watermelon I pretty much did my own thing.

Miller, do you want to go swimming with me?

After dinner, we walked through a pretty park and I got to try ice cream for the first time. The ice cream was ok, but I was way more interested in this fountain.

I'm writing down what I want and Miller is telling the waitress where to put the food.

Here we are playing with our placemats and crayons.

Now I'm in New York. We were delayed about half a day, but at least we made it. Miller and I got to go out to dinner with the grown-ups.

I haven't left for New York yet in this picture, but I just wanted to let you all know a little bit about toilet paper. In case you were wondering, it's not really very flavorful.
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