Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

I have a big announcement!

     I am very proud to introduce my baby brother, Brennan.  He came on April 17th and has kept us very busy.  Mom and Dad couldn't take him home right away though.  He had to stay in the hospital for a week because the doctors wanted to spend some extra time making sure that he was healthy.  He's doing very well now, but he's still sporting two black eyes and has lots of follow-up appointments with the doctors.  We're not worried.  We know that he's going to be just fine.  
     Stuff sure has changed at home.  I have to be even more patient than before.  I can't be held whenever I want, but I get to hold Brennan sometimes and I like that.  In the midst of all the craziness, I went pee pee on the potty for the first time!  Grandma and Mommy made a big fuss about it.  I'm thinking about trying it some more so that I will get to wear undies.  My teachers say that I never stop talking, and I use lots of full sentences when I do.  I also like to use those full sentences to tell everyone what to do.  What would they do without me?
     I want to apologize to my fans who think that I am just the best thing in the world.  That is because I'm going to shift the focus of this blog and it won't be all about me anymore.  I am very much involved in everything Brennan is up to, so I'm going to help you keep tabs on him too.  I know he will probably not be nearly as awesome as me, but I'm his big sister so I've got to give the kid a chance.  You know?

 Brennan Drew Fetters - just a few hours old.

 I was allowed to go to the NICU and visit Brennan.  He's so small!

 Our first family photo with Brennan.

I am working on being very gentle. 

 I made this chick for Brennan so that he would know how much I already love him. 

This is Brennan praying to be discharged from the hospital.  It worked!

When I woke up in the morning Brennan was home!  He brought me some presents - sidewalk chalk and my very favorite, chapstick!  I let him use my favorite pink blanket.

Holding Brennan for the first time.

I'm off to school!  Lots of kisses for Brennan before I go.

I told Brennan all about my day at school.  I also showed him that this is how you hold your snuggly.  I hold my duckie tight, but he isn't really snuggling with his doggie yet.

Grandma stayed for a while to help Mommy with trips to the hospital and welcoming Brennan home.  Since she is so nice to take care of us I thought it would be a good idea to take care of her too.  Grandma likes it when I brush her hair.


Mommy feeds Brennan and I feed my babies.  This shirt is the best because it has two pockets and I can stash my babies' bottles in there.

Family photo.  I got to hold Brennan.

This is supposed to be exercise time, but sleepyhead didn't even try.

Brennan's first bath.  He doesn't like bath time as much as I do.

He likes to be wrapped up, and then either eating or sleeping.

Look at how good I am getting at this big sister stuff.

I think Bubby is happy that Brennan is home too.  He tries to sit on Brennan's lap, just like everyone else's.