Thursday, October 28, 2010

To put things in perspective... same sink, same tub.

A little over 6 months later.
About 1 month old.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

This is me and my best bud. Be sure to watch the end of this one.

Just looking at Brody makes me laugh most of the time. I make sure to pet him and give him lots of attention.

My adjusted age is 6 months now. I weigh 16lbs 2oz, and am 26in long. I'm catching up!

Aunt Kate wanted a preview of me in my ladybug costume. I gave it two big smiles. I'm definitely ready for Halloween.
Yes! Much better in the kitchen!

Ok, Mom and Dad, don't you think it's time to move my baths out of this little sink?

Tugging on these with my hands is a piece of cake, so I'm trying my feet now.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

7 months old and family time in Oklahoma

Hotel beds are awesome!

Mommy and I played in the pool.

I couldn't look at Uncle Paul with that mask on his head. It was scary!

Everyone took turns holding me at the reception. Aunt Kate tried to feed me but I was too busy looking around.

Ok, enough with the pictures already!

Miller was looking super snazzy in these pants.
My fam cleans up pretty nice.

Daddy and I got dressed up for Cousin Daniel's wedding. My feet were a little too fat to fit into my dress shoes. :-(

Miller likes to lay and roll and crouch on his knees. I like to sit, sit, sit.

Miller and I in our PJs.

I don't get to see Aunt Julie, Uncle Micah and Miller very much, but when I do I have so much fun!

We went to a crazy BBQ restaurant with lots of dead animals on the walls. I showed everyone how I can sit by myself in a highchair now. They were so impressed.

Uncle Paul played with me.

It was great to see Grandpa!

And when I was awake, I was a very good girl. I talked and sang to the other passengers, but I didn't cry once!

I took a snooze on my very first airplane ride.

Seriously, Brody!? I thought we talked about this lap issue.

There's a peach in here somewhere. Why can't I get it out?

I'm such a big girl!

Bananas. My least hated solid food.

Talking to Mr. Monkey.

Watching NU football with Mom and Brody.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Sitting practice... and some other stuff

And I'm back! Getting better every time.

Mama, a little help please?

Nooooooooo! That was short-lived.

Oh my goodness! I'm doing it without the Boppy or Horton!

Hank wanted to sit really close and check me out. I think he wanted to see if I have any teeth yet. The answer is no.

Mom and I drove out to the forest preserve to treat Brody to a fun time at the huge dog park there. Christie came with Abi, Hank and her pups, too.

Happy in my swing.

Ha! Take that! I can lick, too! Mom told me that this was a one-time thing and I'm not allowed to lick Brody anymore. Something about hairballs... What are those?

Oh, but I had a plan to get you back. You know how you always come up and lick me all over? Well...

I was relaxing on Dad's pillow and then this crazy dog came and sat on my lap. Brody, even if I had a bigger lap, YOU WEIGH 84 POUNDS!!! You are not a lap dog!

But I didn't really need Horton since I usually do my falling backward.

Earlier this week, Mommy had me practice sitting using my Boppy. She put Horton in front of me for extra padding when I fall.