Thursday, June 23, 2011

Last videos from the Windy City

I have learned how to stand up without any assistance. It's harder on sand.

Brody likes it when I play with him.

I'm trying to teach Mom that I am really quite coordinated and she doesn't have to follow me around with her arms out.

My last post from Chicago

And one for Amy.

One for Lauren.

A kiss for Ava.

Big hug.

Enough posing. Back to the food.

Ava and I were enjoying our fairwell dinner. We got to sit at our very own kids' table. I pounded my pizza.

This is how I like my boxes. Empty. Mom puts stuff in. I take it out.

Being dangerous is so much fun!

Happy Father's Day, Dad!

We gave each other lots of hugs and kisses to say goodbye.

I'm going to miss you, Molly. You've been a great buddy!

Mom, seriously. I had a very long day at the park and I'd just like to watch my video in peace.

This is even better than the bath tub!

I was thirsty, so Hank made good use of his shovel.

You mean, I get to go in the water?

Christie loves taking me to fun places.

Taking a little break.

I like sand. I like trucks. But especially the sand.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

15 months and lots of developments

I spent this week doing two things: being sick (cough, cough) and amazing Mom and Dad with my many talents. My walking is getting much better, and I'm starting to actually choose this form of locomotor activity on my own. I can generally make it across a room - unless I get distracted or Brody knocks me over. But the most exciting thing is my blossoming language development. In addition to my signs, I can now say Dad (Dah!...Dah!), Mom (Mah - and not nearly as frequently as Dad), milk (Me?! - with a very high pitched upturn), up (Up-ah!), Christie (some variation of Keest), baby (Bay-bee!), Brody (Bah - and then panting noises), and yes (Yesh). If I want something but don't know how to say it, I fall back on shouting and signing for milk. Mom and Dad just aren't getting it, but at least I get lots of milk!

Walking and asking to be picked up.

Climbing on Mom to get the camera because no one is allowed to use any form of technology in this house without my participation.

Playing in Daddy's shoes.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sorry for the delay...

So, I think most people already know, but we've had a really busy spring made even busier by the fact that Mom and Dad have decided it's time for our family to move. By the end of the month, we will all be Michiganders. Dad will have a new job, renters will move into our condo, and we think we have a house to live in in Royal Oak (near Detroit for those of you not familiar with Michigan). Mom is working on a job too, and she's been pretty stressed about the whole thing. Mom stressed is not a good thing for anyone, but we're all trying our best to get through it. Brody and I have been pretty disoriented lately with trips all over and sometimes being left behind with relative and friends, but we are excited too because we think this means we will get a yard to play in. I will try to keep my blog updated, but I blame Mom for being too busy to keep the camera rolling. I guess I'll forgive her, at least until we move. ;-)

Sadie is a good girl.

Jon really likes newspapers, so I'm reading to him.

Look at my audience!

Here I am at Jon and Laura's house. Mom and Dad left me again for another wedding. I don't know why I can't go, but I can't complain either. Brody and I really enjoyed ourselves.

I'm a good climber.

I crawled all over and had fun on the little hills. It's a little hard on the knees. Maybe I need to get better at this walking thing.

I like swinging, but this time I had to focus on not dropping my pretty flower.

We went to Detroit for the first part of Memorial Day weekend to try to find a place to live. I got to play with my cousins, Aunt Ginette, and Uncle Trent. But we came back to spend Monday in Chicago and enjoy the nice weather.

Grandma and Grandpa came to stay with me while Mom and Dad went to California for the weekend. We had a great time, but G&G couldn't figure out how to get Mom's camera off of video mode. The zoo was fun, though!