Saturday, November 10, 2012

Fall Updates

 B-man thinks that everything is potentially edible. 
 It was so much fun when Grandma and Grandpa Mac came into town last time, because Miller and his family got to come, too.  We were able to spend parts of two weekends together, and Miller slept with me in my room!  The second weekend we also got to see Aunt Kate, Uncle Karl and Uncle Paul.
 We read together, we ran around the house with our monkeys, we jumped on the trampoline, we stayed up way past our bedtimes, and we laughed a lot.    
 Brennan did some laughing, too.  Papa helped him ride on Brody.
 He and Rhys did a whole bunch of wiggling together.  
 It wasn't quite Halloween yet, but we put on our costumes anyway.
 I was pretty good at sharing all of my toys, but I did not want to share this pumpkin.
 Trick or treat!
 According to Aunt Kate, Brennan and Rhys were "the angry thug shark and goldfish."  Don't mess with them.
 This is smiley Brennan!
 This is sad Brennan.  I know, Buddy.  We were all disappointed that the Tigers didn't show up to the World Series.  
 Today really is Halloween!  
 So here's the question:  Is Brennie the shark, or has he just been eaten by the shark?
 Either way, he's pretty cute.
 I can swim on the floor with B, too!
 Can we go now!?
 Mom and Dad let me go to six or seven houses before deciding it was too cold and time to go home.  I thought it was pretty fun, but I did not like the scary witch on a porch down the street.  Also, I had about two bites from a box of Nerds, and that was enough to make me a little crazy.  I'm not sure what happened to the rest of my treats...
 Playing beauty shop with Lexi.  I sat very still
 Lex is an excellent beautician.  
 B-man is getting bigger and bigger.
 He just started sitting up on his own, but he still falls over sometimes. 
 B is already beginning to enjoy reading, like me.  He did not enjoy reading a menu of things he is not allowed to eat yet.  
Mommy gave me my very first mani pedi this weekend.  I picked light pink.  I was very very careful not to smudge the polish.  

Later in the afternoon we had to stop at the mall.  Santa Claus was there!!  Dad says that he flew to the mall today in a helicopter.  I thought he used reindeer, but whatever.  Mom and I talked all about who Santa is and why kids sit on his lap.  I decided that I want to do that.  Mom thought I might want to write him a letter instead, but I told her that I want to see the guy in person.  I heard that he will ask me what I want, and then he will bring it to me for Christmas.  So I am going to think hard about it, and we're going to go back to talk to him another day.  Hooray!

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